What is Customer Centricity?

- Wharton says that customer centric organizations conceive & manage themselves differently. Some characteristics are defined here. --The Customer Centricity Suite, Wharton
- “aligning the resources of your organization to respond to the ever-changing needs of customers effectively, while building mutually profitable relationships.” --Customer Centricity Inc.
- The AMA site defines a customer's unique hierarchy of issues & how customer centricity is about addressing these issues. The article calls this Customer Issue Centricity. -- Amercian Marketing Association.
- Customer strategy is the only strategy. Product and producer-driven strategies are dead - though not altogether buried. Few businesses, even in retail, let alone sectors further removed from customers, have reinvented themselves to achieve a truly customer-centric business system. Such a system starts with the customer, reworks all processes back from the customer, and aims them towards achieving excellence in the customer's eyes.
- Customer experiences are true indicators of corporate health and brand strength; driving revenue growth, preventing customer attrition and increasing market share. They are the competitive differentiators and can help fuel an organization’s success. Yet, for all the evidence supporting customer centricity, companies remain largely product-centric with transaction rather than customer relationship-based business models.
- a common norm within customer centered organizations is that all employees are customer advocates ..vs a destructive norm that sales owns the customer
- Customer centered organizations are held together by a central value that every decision begins wtih the customer and anticipated opportunities for advantage.
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